Mission Statement


Friday, May 29, 2015

Haggai 2:9 The Now Word of God

Haggai 2:9

‘The Glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of Hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of Hosts. (MKJV)
NOW WORD: “I will build My church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. I am preparing you My bride, My beautiful one. I am preparing you My lover to be my radiant one that will rule and reign and reign with Me through all eternity. Rise up, and get ready. My Glory will be seen on you and I will give to you the nations as your inheritance. You will walk in My peace and you will go through all the Earth. Surely, My Glory will cover the earth and you will be the desire of all nations. Nothing will stand against you My darling. I have given to You my Word, that no weapon formed against you will prosper and no tongue that is raised against you will stand. I have anointed you with My presence to preach good news to the poor, heal the broken hearted, proclaim freedom the captives, open prison doors for those who are bound and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Even in your own home, I will bring healing, and My Glory will shine through You. Come, come and draw near. Come and seek My face and I will show you what I am about to do through you.”
My prayer for you is: Father God, thank you for Your covenant blessing that You will pour out Your Spirit on all flesh. Thank You Lord of Hosts that the desire of Your child is to seek Your face and carry Your Glory. I call on You now Lord God to show Your favour as You have promised. I ask for a fresh touch of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord God that You are building Your church and Your child is a part of Your church. We know that You are not living in a stone building or a tent made by man, but You have chosen us for Your habitation. COME Lord God and change Your child into more of Your image and likeness. Let Your Glory be seen on Your child and let Your peace flow into them and through them now in Jesus Name. Amen
PLEASE PRAY THIS PRAYER OVER YOURSELF. Father God, I thank You that You have chosen me to be Your beautiful bride. You have chosen me, and taken me a wicked sinner and redeemed me to wear the clothes of righteousness. I thank You Lord God that You will work in me and through me to show Your Glory to all the world. Father God, I am passionately in love with You and desire more of You. My heart is for You and I call to You that You will be exalted in all I do. You are the magnificent One and there is none besides You. Glory to Your Name that is above every name. I ask You Father God to change me and cause me to be more like You. I invite You into the secret place of my heart, into the area of my life that is still far from You. Come Lord God and touch me. Let Mercy flow to me and through me. You are the potter and I am the clay. I totally submit to You. Work in my heart and let Your Glory be seen through me. I love You and give You my all. Amen