The Lord said to me ‘Son of man come and look at what is happening in My Name.’
I looked and saw a Groom and His Bride ready to cut a wedding cake. It was the most exquisite cake I had ever seen and the bride looked beautiful in the greatness of the Groom.
Then the picture changed, and I saw many come forward in the Name the Groom. Those who are called and chosen to feed the sheep – they came with hacksaws, bush-knives, chain saws, throwing-knives, carving knives, and even surgical blades.
They came to feed My sheep - but instead divided the meal and fought over the portions they hacked off.
The Lord said to me - There are those who have come to feed my sheep – but have lost the purpose of the wedding cake.
Pray and call on Me to show Mercy in these times. For the sin of mammon, and the stench of greed has reached Me.
I will move over these, as though I do not know them, and I will come to radiate my Glory on my Bride.
There will be a new breed that will rise up - a young generation that will seek My Face - a people that will not jostle for political power in my house. A people that will be tender to My Voice and cry on behalf of those, who do not walk in the fear of the Lord.
Even now, I will break out in a new anointing in schools and education centers across this land. Young people will seek My Face in their homes and there families will be restored.
I will touch this nation South Africa and release my blessing on you.
Do not sell your self to the lusts of the flesh and deprive yourself of My presence.
I come to give Life and give it more abundantly.
Wait on me - even now I will cause righteousness to prevail and will expose those in government that sit in sin and steal from the orphan and the widow. A righteous generation will rise in this nation, and I will vindicate those that have waited on Me.
Shout to the North to release those in bondage, who have been enslaved to debt and poverty.
South Africa you are the breadbasket of Africa, and will take My bread and the milk to the Nations of the North. Even now I am calling those who will feed My sheep and not scatter my sheep to come and stand before Me. I am releasing new orders over the nation - Orders of change and orders of peace. People will say – ‘how can this happen?’ I say ‘By My hand I will save the nations of the north and will take My delight in those that fear Name’