Genesis 28:17 "Surely God was in this place and I did not know it, this is the House of God, and these are the gates of heaven!"
THE NOW WORD: Do not neglect to build your secret place of worship. The Lord is speaking to His Church and saying to them, ‘do not lose your first love, do not lose the romance of our relationship with Me. I am in this place with you and this is My house. This is the place I choose to reside and choose to dwell. Come and dwell with me and I will reveal to you secrets beyond the gates of heaven. My desire is for you and I visiting you right now. I long to touch you and kiss you and pour out My fragrance and My glory over you. It was for you that I sent My Son to be crucified. I have raised Him from the dead and He is now kneeling before Me and making intercession on your behalf. Through My Son, I have made you My child and I have you for My dwelling place. Amen
My prayer for you is: Thank you Lord God for Your faithfulness to Your child. Your desire to draw them into Your presence and to change them into Your image and likeness. Come Lord God and do work. Come Lord God and touch them as they read this Now Word of God. Lord God, I pray that You will visit them and touch them at their point of need, and reveal to them that this place is the house of God. Open their eyes to realize that this place is the gates of heaven and you have given to them an open door, and that is worshiping You. Amen
Please pray this over yourself: Lord God, I bless Your Holy Name. I thank You that You will redeem Your child and open their eyes to see that You God and to taste that you good. I pray now for Divine romance to take place. I pray Lord God that You will come and sweep Your child off their feet and move them into a place of radical passion for Your presence. Lord God I ask You to do a mighty work in their heart right now and change their circumstance and situation and cause Your Love and Glory to flow to them and over them. Let this place be made manifest to them now. This is the House of God and these are the gates of heaven. Come Lord Jesus and let Your Glory and presence permeate in them and through Now. Amen