Mission Statement


Monday, April 29, 2013



The Lord said to me, ‘Son I want to impact the nation through the church. Tell My Bride that now is the time to stand up and make an impact into the community that she is in. I will reveal strategy and show My power through a demonstration of signs and wonders. If My Bride will come and seek My Face and turn to Me, then I will reveal secrets to unlock the treasures of this nation. For there is a wealth in the hands of the righteous that has not been touched. I will show you My path of blessing and will reveal to you my plan of wealth. Come – walk with Me and lean on Me. Do not lean on your own understanding or lean on the counsel of men. My Spirit will guide you and My Spirit will speak to you and show the hidden treasures in the soil of your country. It is time to dig deep. Time to draw water from dry land. Time to harvest from the desert. Watch and see what I will do. I will raise up a group of students that run with Me and not wait for the release of the older siblings. They have heard My call and they will run with Me. They will be the inventors that will put a stop to the viruses and epidemics that have come to wipe out nations. Even now they will come to a new authority of My power and walk in My counsel.
There will be a season of peace over the nation - then the enemy will try to stop the flow of birthing that is taking place. This will only sharpen the sword of the Bride and she will rise in this nation and pursue and take ground.
The equator that has been the great divide for so long – now is broken – the spirit of Islam is under My feet – child slavery will be exposed and child pornography will be crushed. I am sending My lambs into the field to bring my plan of salvation and the message of My Kingdom to those held in captivity in the northern countries of Africa.
Many will say we have to much work to do in our own country – But’ I say to you I will send out a mighty army from this nation and they will go as a force that will change the laws of oppressing nations.
I speak to those that have already heeded to My call and gone ahead ‘well done My good and obedient ones, I come to build My house and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. You will see that even now I will give to you an increasing measure of Faith and an increasing measure of Grace. I will raise up amongst you your children that will shake towns and cities. They will lay hands on the sick and the demons will leave the oppressed.’
I come to you who have been orphaned and widowed. My grace is sufficient for you and My Power is made perfect in weakness. Do not let your hands grow idle. I will fill your hands with grain from heaven to feed the nations and they will hear My Word and be saved.
There is a transformation-taking place in the Bride as she desires to know My heart. My heart for the lost. There is a cry coming from My loved one – not a cry for another selfish need – like that in the past. But now a cry for the lost – for those who are out of My care. Look and see – The righteous are on their face – They cry to Me to save their families.
I have heard and come in Power to touch and heal.
Go now – Go in My strength. I open the door for you to rise and thresh. Do not be afraid. Today – this year and this decade I give to you the nations - be the bread basket that will carry the kernels of heaven to be bread for the Nations. Go.
From Mark Visser