Friday, May 3, 2013
A call of GOD to work in the market place.
I see so many people who want to know what their gifting is and what they are called to do. So many are called of the Lord, yet have very little idea or no idea to what they are called to do. What you need to know is that you are called by God to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately what so many have done is they are preaching their own Kingdom message. Weather they do it through church work or market place power, people are missing the point that they are called by God to rule in authority and subdue the earth so that he is Glorified.
Knowing that you are called by God to work is a great security that if Christ is with you, who can be against you. This provides a guarantee of success, that if you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and seek His Will first, then all these things will follow after you.
As a child of God you should continually be coming before the Lord and waiting on Him. This coming to the Lord and waiting on the Lord is an act and a lifestyle of intimacy and adoration. It is not a time reserved for a Sunday morning worship service. We are called to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule of the fish of the sea and the birds of air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Gen.1: 28
Unfortunately what so many have done is that they abdicated their authority and given it to others, becoming servants to others and aborted the call of God on their life.
It is an intensely personal challenge to know the call of God on your life and have His vision planted in you by the Holy Spirit. It is personal because God wants to co-partner your dreams and vision.
The Lord challenged me and said to me that He has called me to command in the market place and not be an economic parasite, like the church is so often viewed to be. Also the Lord showed me that if I accommodated His Spirit in my work place, He will show me His Power and authority in the work place. So I started to search this out and saw that David had a Key.
1. Motive - pure heart
2. Method - clean hands
3. Focus - not lifted up his soul
4. Power of the Tongue - not sworn deceit
David says in Psalm 24:3,4 Who shall go up into the hill of Jehovah? And who shall rise in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul to vanity and has not sworn deceit.
This simple truth is possibly one of the most important truths in whole of the bible. Moses said to the Lord “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us”
Intimacy with God is the key that enables you and empowers you to take be a success in the market place. True success is having achieved and arrived in financial freedom having a testimony that God is your partner
People all over are finding that that when they apply the four steps David speaks of they came to know their calling and destiny.
IF YOU WANT ME TO PRAY FOR YOU and your business - please email me at