“A war is going on! Cosmic war!
Jesus is the divine invader sent by God to shatter the strengths of satan.
In that light the whole ministry of Jesus unrolls.
Jesus has one purpose ‑ to defeat satan.
He takes the strength of the enemy.”
writes James Kallas, in the book ‘The Real satan’,
God is the aggressor;
satan is on the defensive,
and the Kingdom of Heaven advances and exercises its force or makes its way powerfully in the world.
YOU have been called by God to go into all the world and be His witness.
You have the Word of the Lord in your heart and in your mouth.
Speak the Word of the Lord and the words of your mouth will create life and peace.
The Lord God is the High Priest of the words you speak and He will cause your words bring life to a dying people and a thirsty land.
You have been called by God to go into all the world. You are the invader of darkness and from your mouth the nations will be blessed.
You have the Creator of the universe living with in you.
I encourage you to ask God for a Prophetic Word for someone you meet today.
Do not hold back. The Word of the Lord says that all of creation in groaning in birth pains, waiting for the you to rise up and bring deliverance.
My prayer is that God will stir in you a passion for things He is passionate for and you will rise up in the POWER of HIS might and go bring deliverance to those who are bound.
Remember, satan is on the defensive and you have the victory.
Speak the Word of the Lord into your family, over your finances, into your community, and over your friends.
You will see the fruit of your lips bring life to what you bless.