WHAT HOLDS YOU BACK from hearing the Voice of God and from maturing in your gift.
is so very easy to hear the voice of GOD and to do what HE has called you to
do. His Yoke is easy and His burden is light.
prophetic ministry is not limited to only the office of the prophet or those
with the gift of prophecy.
entire church is prophetic. By default You are prophetic. Every Chrisitan
carries the testimony of Jesus Christ, and this is what makes all Christians
prophetic. This is the testimony of Jesus Christ that is the spirit of
prophecy. We also have the gifts given to us from the Holy Spirit and the
ministry of the prophet given to us by Jesus Christ.
wants to reveal to you and through you the secrets of His heart and He does
this through the vehicle called the prophetic ministry.
in Christ is not knowing the voice of GOD. Maturity in Christ, is the level and
depth of your relationship with GOD at any given moment.
the thoughts of GOD is much deeper than knowing the voice of GOD.
Christians should know the voice of the God.
the thoughts of GOD reveal the level of maturity you have with GOD.
are called to DRAW NEAR TO GOD, then GOD will draw near to us. GOD will reveal to us His deepest secrets and
His heart.
the voice of God is for everyone.
can hear the voice of GOD more clearly by avoiding the obsticals below.
1. Mockery - As a Christian you are called to identify with Jesus. Identifying with Christ will bring mockery to your identity from those who do not know Christ. This is not the issue. The issue of mockery is that no slander and mockery must ever come from your mouth agaisnt another person, ever. You are called to forsake the world and hear and obey His Voice alone. You are called to come into position and alignment with the Now Word of God that has come to you and is working in you. If you fall into the trap of mockery, you find that the voice of the Lord will become very soft and even distant from you.
2. The Law - Laws created by men will hold a person back from hearing the voice of God and from maturing in the prophetic ministry. The Word of God says we are to honor all authorities and pray for those who have authority over us. What I am trying to say about the Law is the Christian laws or governmental laws to separate you from your intimacy with God.
3. Indifference – God is no respector of persons. You must not, ever be indifferent to your brother or sister. They are the body of Christ and being indifferent to them is being indiffernet to Christ Himself. Look to God who shows no partiality and He will reveal to you the deepest secrets of His heart.
4. Obediance is better than sacrifice and you must obey, no matter what the cost. The only sacrifice that the Father requires of you is total surender to His will and to His way. Obediance is a matter of the heart and then the action follows. John on the Isle of Patmos responded immidiately when he heard the call of the Lord. This immidiate obediance released relavations to him.
5. Attack - Count it all joy when you face attack and persecution. Do not roll over and give up. Worship the Lord and bless His Name. The Lord take you through the attack and you will have an awesome testimony of how God spoke to you during the attack.
5. Ridicule - When this comes against you, remember: no weapen formed against you will proper and no tongue that is raised will stand. Worship the Lord when you are riducled and laughed at. Bless those who redcule you and never ever laugh at another time and never never let ridicule come from your lips. Keep Your lips pure and holy.
6. Immaturity - Maturity in Christ is not how long you know God. Maturity is not about having Da’Ta (information) of God. Maturity comes from knowing God through intimacy, and this is Da’At. Immaturity is not having the wisdom of God this means having no fear for God and this will hinder and block spiritual growth.
7. Sin will separate you from God and make His face hide from you. It will cause the Body (the hearers) to not hear the prophetic word correctly and it will hold the sinner from the presence of God. Sin will stop all growth with God and silence the voice of God to you, though it will not block the Love of God flowing to you.
9. Stifled Gifts - The gifts of the Spirit must be stirred up. Sometimes we can get bored or complacent or steeped into traditions that hinder the work of God. Things can seem fine in the status quo when really they have become lukewarm and in danger of dying. The Apostle Paul says that we must not stifle the gift of prophecy.
The strongest stimulant for growth in God is passion.
Direct your passion and channel your fire for more of GOD.
Call on the Lord and ask the Lord to purify you and to speak to you and though you.
me about our Prophetic Correspondence Course.
course is specifically designed to bring clarity to your prophetic perception
in hearing the voice of God and delivering the Word of God with accuracy in
demonstrating the supernatural power of God that is unique to you.