I pray that God will give to you a vision of His presence and open your eyes to the things unseen.
Vision and purpose must be restated to keep focus of the goal and edge you to success.
Remember who it was, that gave you the vision.
In the book of Revelation, John writes of the seven churches.
The end time church is the Laodicean Church.
This is the church of today.
The primary work of Prophets and Seers is to call the Church into passion and intimacy with God.
To rebuild the broken walls around the city.
The church have lost their first love and it is our duty as prophets and seers to call for a baptism of fire from God.
We desperately need to get intimate with God and see what God sees.
We desperately need to give birth to the plans of God for our life.
We most desperately need God.
I pray that you will call out to God and ask God to open your eyes and give to you vision.
I pray that as you seek the Lord, He will come and touch your ears and open your eyes to the Spirit realm.
I pray that the Lord will get you pregnant with His Holy Spirit and you will conceive and give birth to things of God.