Almost all human advancement is the result of someone having a vision.
Vision alone has never accomplished anything.
Having vision is 50 % part of the process – the other 50% is walking the vision out to completion.
Walking the vision out is the most difficult.
It is a process of wilderness where faith in God is purified and the knowledge of ourselves becomes much more realistic.
The wilderness is the place where mere visionaries are separated from those who have true faith and love the purposes of God enough to pay the price to see the visions fulfilled.
God did not call us out of bondage to walk aimlessly in the wilderness.
God called us to walk in the full inheritance that He gained for us on the cross.
We cannot settle for anything less.
It is time to get through this wilderness.
Once we have gone through this wilderness, we will need to fight for our inheritance the keeping of the promise.
Possessing the promise will be hard, but it will be worth it.
What is exciting about vision is that it is the desire of God to give to the righteous the desires of their heart.
So to have with vision with power, is to place our hope in the knowledge that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it till the day of Jesus Christ.
Knowing that God will complete the good work He began in you, will sustain during the wilderness and keep the vision bright in your eyes.
‘Many are called, but few are chosen’ Matt. 22:14
This means that many will come to know their callings, but few will go onto fulfill their calling.
Many do great things, but they do not fulfill that calling because they do not give themselves to the little things.
If we are not faithful with the small things, we will not be faithful in the big things and we will not accomplish the purpose of our life.
Those who do great things, have greatness in them.
The greatest thing anyone can ever do, is to do all you can do with all your heart as unto the Lord.
Face every task with intense passion and devotion to excellence that His work deserves, then by default this will lead to great works.
The power of purpose lies in the knowledge that you were made in the image and likeness of God, who does all things in excellence through power with purpose.
The success of the vision is simple. Failure is most difficult and much more complicated and than success.
The success of vision is to keep focus on the vision.
Christ first, then everything follows after that.
Matt. 6:33 ‘seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will follow after you.
2 Cor. 11:3 ‘But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.’
The power of purpose is found when you do all unto Christ with all your heart, knowing that you where created to be like your Father.
You are a child of excellence showing His Glory through the works of your hands.
Let us dedicate our works to the lord and watch the Lord cause the works of our hands to prosper.
Almost all human advancement is the result of someone having a vision.
Vision alone has never accomplished anything.
Having vision is 50 % part of the process – the other 50% is walking the vision out to completion.
Walking the vision out is the most difficult.
It is a process of wilderness where faith in God is purified and the knowledge of ourselves becomes much more realistic.
The wilderness is the place where mere visionaries are separated from those who have true faith and love the purposes of God enough to pay the price to see the visions fulfilled.
God did not call us out of bondage to walk aimlessly in the wilderness.
God called us to walk in the full inheritance that He gained for us on the cross.
We cannot settle for anything less.
It is time to get through this wilderness.
Once we have gone through this wilderness, we will need to fight for our inheritance the keeping of the promise.
Possessing the promise will be hard, but it will be worth it.
What is exciting about vision is that it is the desire of God to give to the righteous the desires of their heart.
So to have with vision with power, is to place our hope in the knowledge that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it till the day of Jesus Christ.
Knowing that God will complete the good work He began in you, will sustain during the wilderness and keep the vision bright in your eyes.
‘Many are called, but few are chosen’ Matt. 22:14
This means that many will come to know their callings, but few will go onto fulfill their calling.
Many do great things, but they do not fulfill that calling because they do not give themselves to the little things.
If we are not faithful with the small things, we will not be faithful in the big things and we will not accomplish the purpose of our life.
Those who do great things, have greatness in them.
The greatest thing anyone can ever do, is to do all you can do with all your heart as unto the Lord.
Face every task with intense passion and devotion to excellence that His work deserves, then by default this will lead to great works.
The power of purpose lies in the knowledge that you were made in the image and likeness of God, who does all things in excellence through power with purpose.
The success of the vision is simple. Failure is most difficult and much more complicated and than success.
The success of vision is to keep focus on the vision.
Christ first, then everything follows after that.
Matt. 6:33 ‘seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will follow after you.
2 Cor. 11:3 ‘But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.’
The power of purpose is found when you do all unto Christ with all your heart, knowing that you where created to be like your Father.
You are a child of excellence showing His Glory through the works of your hands.
Let us dedicate our works to the lord and watch the Lord cause the works of our hands to prosper.
The poorest man in all the earth,
is not the man with no money,
but the man with no vision.
Get vision and you will be blessed.
is not the man with no money,
but the man with no vision.
Get vision and you will be blessed.
God wants to reveal to you the secrets of His heart.
God wants to reveal to you His vision for your life and for those around you.
God wants to reveal to you the secrets of His heart.
God wants to reveal to you His vision for your life and for those around you.