What did the 5 giants represent?
What did the 5 stones represent?

Davids greatest battle was encountering his the talk he had with his brother Eliab before his encounter with Goliath. He fought a battle which cost him far more thought, prudence, and patience. The word-battle in which he had to engage with his brothers and with king Saul, was a more trying ordeal to him than going forth in the strength of the Lord to smite the uncircumcised boaster. Many a person meets with more trouble from his friends than from his enemies; and when he has learned to overcome the depressing influence of prudent friends, he makes short work of the opposition of avowed adversaries. There is no doubt in my mind that taking down Goliath was a simple task. REMEMBER: The Word the Lord gave me a few weeks ago. "Close the door behind you" To overcome and to be victorious, you must shut the door of negative talk behind and bet on with the cause at hand. David's answer to Eliab was, "is there not a cause." Your Goliath is your cause and God has given to you the stones (weapons) to overcome the beast or mountain in from of you. How to identify & conquer your 5 giants. David in the Bible encountered five giants throughout his life. These giants are actual people, with an obvious divine interpretation behind their names and situations. Today, we experience battles with these same giants, but they are not the physical type of giant. (Remember, our battle is not flesh and blood. Our battle is spiritual to the pulling down of strongholds.) Everyone has at least one opportunity to meet each of them, but most people do not know how to discern these giants and defeat them. You can overcome your Goliath in the Name of Jesus Christ. 1. Goliath literally means to bring fear and disgrace through gossip and lies. A goliath spirit reviles the truth, is verbally abusive and undermines the word of God concerning you. David conquered this giant because he did not fear man and di not listen to the lies of his brothers or any other. David only feared the Lord and meditated on the Now Word of God. He realized that Goliath was not reviling and cursing himself or Israel, Goliath was reviling and cursing God. When we see those who revile and curse us from this perspective, we can then follow the command of Jesus in Matthew 5:44 and we can walk in our victory. 2. Ishbi-benob means, my dwelling is on the heights or pride. This giant attacked David after years of military achievement, but it was during a time when he was tired and worn-out. David could not conquer this giant and he needed help in defeating it. Abishai servant helped David in defeating pride and abishai’s name means God’s gift of grace.” It was Grace that conquered pride. James 4:6 3. Saph means two faced or hypocrisy. Hypocrisy will deceive and use us to accomplish something that will ultimately hurt us when it leaves. 4. Goliath’s brother was Lahmi, which means full of food, sensual and lustful. David could not conquer this giant either. Elhanan, which means “God is gracious”, conquered Lahmi. Without God’s grace, the temptation of lust cannot be defeated. Yet another tool to crush lust with is the assault weapon of prayer. Mark 9:29, 5. The fifth giant that all of us will face did not have a name. The Bible called him as the “Six-fingered Giant,” giving the idea of a power grasp in the area of greed and covetousness. Jonathan destroyed this giant. Jonathan’s name literally means, “Jehovah-given.” The key for each of us in overcoming this controlling giant is gratefulness to God for the things He has given us. When we realise that everything we have comes from Him, it is much easier to let it things go, and not have a covetous grasp. Eph. 5:20 Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world. There are many giants in the land and each one of us will face a giant or even a few giants from time to time . Our spiritual weapons that are our stones to use against these giants and gain victory after victory. 1. The Word of God. "You come to me with a sword and spear, but I come to you in the name of the LORD God Almighty." 1 Sam. 17:45 2. The Blood of the Lamb. "It is God's battle, not ours," 1 Sam. 17:50 3. The word of your testimony. "The LORD who saved me from the claws of the lion and the bear will save me from this Philistine!" 1 Sam. 17:37 4. Faith. "Don't worry about a thing," David told Saul. "I'll go fight this Philistine!" 1 Sam. 17:32 5. Preparation. David didn't go to face the giant unprepared. He was prepared with sling-shot, stone and the practice of accuracy. Prepare on your knees and in the presence of God and you will stand against every giant. They will fall and you will decapitate them. 1 Sam. 17:40