Friday, August 16, 2013
The Now Word of GOD
Psalm 63; 1-5 “O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You; In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your Glory. Because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus will I bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.” (NIV)
NOW WORD: You are a river of living water to a dry and thirsty land. God wants you to draw deep from the wells of salvation, so that others may find salvation through Christ Jesus. Your need and lack is the perfect opportunity for God to be Glorified. Get hungry for God, get desperate for God and in this place of absolute need for God, you will experience your breakthrough. God will come through for you and bring joy to your heart and feed you on His promises. God is training you for war. God is preparing you to be a blessing to the multitude who are dying around you. God is wanting to show himself powerful through your weakness. Worship God and you will see His Glory.
My prayer for you is: Father God we call on You today to release joy to Your child. Give to them victory in the face of their adversity. Give to them an overcoming spirit to rise above the calamity and crisis of the day. Come Lord God, we pray that You will give to Your child a single vision, a vision of Your presence. Cause them to have their mind stayed on You and as they seek You, they will find You and see Your glory. Thank You Lord God that through adversity and in the valley of the shadow of death Your child will fear no evil and they will rise up as they wait on You and seek Your face. Thank You Father God that You will anoint Your child today and consecrate them Holy to Yourself and set them apart for Your service to be a river of blessing to many others who are hungry, thirsty and dying. Amen
Please pray this over yourself: Father God, I come to You today and I submit to Your will in my life. I thank You that You have directed My steps and I acknowledge You in all my ways. Even when I face deep valleys or high mountains, I will keep my mind stayed on You. I will stay desperate for more of Your presence in my life. I ask You father God to show mercy on those in greater stress than my need. Cause me, to be a blessing to others, despite my own needs. You are my strength Lord God and You are my great reward. I do not want to seek my own salvation. You are my salvation and Your word sais, ‘ He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it, until the day of Jesus Christ’. So, please do use me to be a blessing and a river of living water to many thirsty people. AMEN.