Sunday, September 1, 2013
The Now Word of God
Now Word of God - 01 Sep.. 2013
Matthew 11:15
Listen, every one who has ears!
The Now Word: The most exciting days are are ahead of you. This is your season of victory and recompense. The Lord is opening new doors for you. Draw near to God and meditate on His Word. Let the Word of God dwell richly in you. The habitation of God is in your heart. His street address is with in you. Listen to the voice of God, as He speaks into your heart. His Word is sharp and clear. Incline your ear and give attention to His Voice. He will lead you in paths of righteous and He will guide you by still waters. Do not be anxious and do not stress. Take every thought captive and cast down vain imaginations. The Word of The Lord will sustain you and feed you when you are hungry and thirsty. The Lord says"behold I am coming to do a new thing for you, in you and through you. It will happen quickly. Be ready and do not miss what I am going to do. I will cause rivers to flow to you, in you and through you, and I will turn your desert into a flourishing garden. I will build highways in your wilderness and cause you to blossom like the crocus flower. Listen to My voice and You will know that I am Your God."
My prayer for you: Father God, I call on You, and I ask You Lord God to come open the ears of Your child. Touch them today and cause them to hear Your voice more than ever before. Father God let Your Word be settled in their heart and may they find rest for their soul through Your Word. Father God I pray that the enemy of their soul will not have victory over them, and I pray that You will protect their coming and their going. Bless the works of their hands and help them to have victory in their heart. Father, I pray that they will stand like watchmen at the gate of their ears as to what they listen to. Father God, I pray that their ears will be open to You and not to all the trash that is out there. Give to them ears that are attentive to Your Voice and I pray that they will discipline themselves and stop entertaining the voices that do not produce life. Thank You Father, that as they choose to hear from You, their mind will be renewed and their actions will follow after You. Come Lord God and bless Your child today. Amen
Please pray this over yourself: Lord God I come to You today in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and my Savior. I choose to listen to Your voice. I pray that You will touch my ears and clean my heart to hear receive from You. Help me Lord God to keep Your Voice as the priority voice that I listen to you. Help me Lord God to discern clearly and follow 100% after You. My desire is for You and I choose You above everything else in life. I love You and I give You my all. Father God I want to hear You more clearly than ever before and I desire to know You more intimately than ever before. Today, I draw near to You and come and sit before You and wait for You to speak to me. Speak to me Lord, Your child is listening.
I will take note, write down and feed on Your Word. Amen
Mark Visser